+966 53 328 2196

Your financial partners who help your businesses grow and thrive.


At CFO Flow, we believe that true accounting mastery goes beyond mere numbers. With a rich legacy spanning over three decades, our firm has built its reputation on the principles of integrity, precision, and adaptability. Our team of dedicated professionals works tirelessly to understand the unique needs of each client, offering bespoke financial solutions tailored to ensure optimal financial health and sustainable growth.

Our approach is holistic; we view each financial challenge as an opportunity to craft innovative strategies that drive success. Whether you‘re an individual seeking to optimize your tax position or a multinational corporation aiming for streamlined financial operations, Blockstar is your trusted partner in the journey to financial excellence. Embrace the future with clarity and confidence with us by your side.


Fractional CFO

As fractional financial professionals, our team provides the expertise you need, when you need it. Our team goes above and beyond to integrate with your company to support you with some or all of the following services:
More Cash
Financial Insight & Reports
More Sales
More Profit
Strategic Planning
More Time


Cash management issues are symptoms of some other dysfunction in your business. Focus on what matters most.
CFO flow can help you manage and improve cash flow, often very quickly, through:

Providing access to our network of funding and investment resources as well as preparing the financial insight needed to secure funding.
Helping you understand and address the source of your cash flow issues and solving for the cause and not the symptom.
Knowing your cash position and projections with the right reports for guidance including a 13-week cash flow forecast.
Developing the right systems, processes and internal controls to deliver actionable insights in real time so you can be proactive with your cost reduction and supplier management.

Strategic Planning


CFO flow helps you envision and execute clear goals and strategies by Helping you clarify your business objectives through a clear Strategic Plan to communicate with and engage your team.
Creating Pro Forma Forecasting and Financial Projections to envision numeric and attainable goals.
Developing operational and financial Metrics and KPIs to manage and execute on your strategic plan.
Looking beyond this moment to what comes next: The next productive quarter, the next invigorated year, the next great company

Project-Based Services

Chances are, if you have something that needs to be done, no matter how big or small, we’ve been there and we can help.

Many businesses find themselves in situations where they need a little extra help to start or complete a project, develop or train people within their companies, or find the right software that is the right fit for their industry.

Our professionals in product enhancement assist companies every day with these kinds of things. Drawing from our vast backgrounds in management, strategy, IT, and more.

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